Hi all. I have been trialing a new workout plan on my instagram for a while. It has been working so I think I am going to continue it into 2020 and seeing where this leads.
My workout plan is quite different to others. It is not based on a weekly plan i.e. Monday – Chest and Tri, Tuesday – Back and Bicepts, etc. For me something unplanned would always happen which forces me to change my routine.
Here is my 2020 workout plan. I will complete the following activities in the order provided.
1- A modified One Punch Man workout: Maximum repetitions of Chest, Legs and Abs exercises. Traditionally pushups, squats and situps. Up to a maximmum of 100 repititions each.

2- Rock climbing. I am currently on V1 / V2 grades at a local climbing gym in Brisbane (Urban Climb). I will count how many climbs I do using the MyClimb app, with the ultimate goal of 30 climbs per session.

3- Running. I will switch between walking 300m and running 700m, for as many km as I feel comfortable with, up to a maximum of 10km.

4. Yoga. I am currently alternating between Keep Yoga and Down Dog apps. I will also go to classes at my climbing gym occasionally.

So For example today I did number 1 One punch man workout. I will do number 2 Rock climbing tomorrow, number 3 Running the day after, and so on. I will take rest days when I feel like I need it. On super energetic days I may also do multiple acitvities in one day. E.g. I may do number 3 and 4 in one day if I feel energetic.
You will find out how I progress on my instagram if you would like to keep a close eye of what I’m doing!! https://www.instagram.com/magicmonk.tv/
Finally, Happy new year!!
大家好! 2020年開始了,我有一個新的健身計畫跟大家報告。這跟普通健身計畫不同,不是每個禮拜一練胸肌,禮拜二練背肌等等。以前我常會有不同的行程搗亂我的計畫。
- 伏地挺身,仰臥起坐,蹲腿。最多各做100下。
- 攀岩。最多爬30條路線。
- 跑步。最多跑10公里。
- 瑜珈。用手機keep yoga 及downward dog app.
今天我做了1. 所以明天會做2. 後天做3等等。我會依照身體感覺來決定需不需要休息一天。
如果有興趣看我的進度請看 https://www.instagram.com/magicmonk.tv/