In this lesson we discover the imaginary number i which is equal to the square root of negative 1. We then apply the imaginary number in solving equations involving the square root of a negative number.
Today we learn more about the classification of numbers (rational / irrational), and we describe the relationship between these number sets with our previous number sets using a venn diagram. You finally learn about the set builder notation which will help you define your own number sets.
In this lesson we talk about the classification of numbers into different sets called natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, and real numbers. We will investigate deeper into this matter next lesson.
In this lesson we talk about how to find the intersection, union and complement of sets.
In this video we introduce you to Venn Diagrams, an important concept in set theory. We also talk about how to put some real life information into a venn diagram. We will talk more about how the venn diagram relates to set theory in the next lesson.
In this lesson we do a quiz testing the knowledge you have learned from the last two lessons – is an element of, is a subset of, finite, infinite, cardinality etc.
Today I explain the concepts of subset, empty set, finite set, infinite set, equal set, equivalent set, and cardinality.
In this lesson we learn about what a set is, and the symbol for “is an element of” and how to use that symbol.
You have two sets which contain the same elements but their order is different. Are they the same set?
In this tutorial we talk about what cardinality of a set means, then we go through how to find the number of elements in the union of two sets, by using the formula |A|+|B|-|A and B|=|A or B|.