Here is a tutorial on how to make an object move in a certain shape in visual basic (without using your arrow keys of course).
In this lesson we focus on how to calculate z scores using a formula.
Last lesson you learned to open up a text file and display the contents in your program. This learn you learn how to edit the contents of the text file and save it.
In this lesson we talk about normal distribution is by using a practical approach – getting you to do the questions while explaining how it works at the same time. We talk about how the bell curve is symmetrical, the area underneath the curve is the probability, and what standard deviation means in relation to …
This lesson teaches you how to read data from a text file. In the next few lessons we are also going to talk about how to store data in a text file, which will help you with projects such as develop a high score table in game creation.
In this tutorial I teach you guys how to use binomial distrubtion tables as well as culumative binomial distrubtion tables. Make sure you have watched my binomial distribution lessons before watching this video.
In this lesson you learn how to work with Arrays – how to declare them, and how to populate an array with data (and edit them later) using For loops.
In this tutorial we find the probability of X being bigger than or smaller than a certain number. You have to use the formula multiple times and add / subtract probabilities.
In this tutorial we write a simple function that can count how many words are in a string. We also teach how to call a function.
In this lesson we talk about how to use the formula nCr*p^r*q^(n-r) to solve binomial distribution problems.