Tag Archives: video

Video – My Swing dance performance @ King George Square, Brisbane 我在澳洲布里斯班表演搖擺舞影片

This is my swing dance performance at King George Square, Brisbane. It was for the 70th year anniversary of US General Douglas MacArthur arriving in Brisbane. It was a very big event as documented in this article: https://theweekendedition.com.au/event-news/back-to-brisbane-in-the-war/ 這是我在布里斯班表演搖擺舞的影片。這個表演是為了紀念70年前美國名將麥克阿瑟來到布里斯班。這次的盛會在這篇文章裡有紀錄。https://theweekendedition.com.au/event-news/back-to-brisbane-in-the-war/ The type of dance we did was a combination of Lindy Hop, Charleston and Balboa. These …