Decision Tree for Which sport is suitable for you? Expert System
U - Universe of Discourse
LA - Do you like running?
 LV - Yes
 -LA - Do you prefer contact sports?
 - LV - Yes
 - -LA - Do you like throwing or kicking the ball or both?
 - - |V - Throwing
 - - -|C - Basketball
 - - LV - Kicking
 - - -|C - Football
 - - LV - Both
 - -  |C - Rugby
 - LV - No
 -  LA - Do you like playing on a team or as an individual
 -   LV - Team
 -   -|C - Cricket
 -   LV - Individual
 -    |C - Tennis
 LV - No
  LA - Do you like to play sport alone or with others?
   LV - Alone
   -LA - Do you like the water?
   - LV - Yes
   - -|C - Swimming
   - LV - No
   -  |C - Tai-Chi
   LV - With others
    LA - Do you like listening to music?
     LV - Yes
     -|C - Ballroom dancing
     LV - No
      |C - Table Tennis