HTML file coding (filename form.html or whatever you choose):

PHP exercise 3: Birthday calculator

Enter your birthday in this format: DD/MM/YYYY e.g. 20/08/1980 / /

See source code here

PHP File coding (filename exercise2process.php): 12) { echo "Your month number bigger than 12!
"; } //turn what you have entered into a date object: $date=$year."-".$month."-".$day; $birthdate=date_create($date); //get today's date $today=date_create(); // use it echo "You were born on the ".$day."th day of the ".$month."th month, in the year ".$year.".
"; echo date_format($birthdate,"Y/m/d")."
"; $interval = date_diff($today, $birthdate); echo "You have lived for ".$interval->format('%a')." days.
"; //star sign checker $starsign = array ( array("Aries",3,21,4,20), array("Taurus",4,21,5,21), array("Gemini",5,22,6,21), array("Cancer",6,22,7,23), array("Leo",7,24,8,23), array("Virgo",8,24,9,23), array("Libra",9,24,10,23), array("Scorpio",10,24,11,22), array("Sagittarius",11,23,12,22), array("Capricorn",12,23,1,20), array("Aquarius",1,21,2,19), array("Pisces",2,20,3,20), ); for ($x=0;$x<=11;$x++) { if ($month==$starsign[$x][1] && $day>=$starsign[$x][2]) { echo "Your star sign is ".$starsign[$x][0]; } if ($month==$starsign[$x][3] && $day<=$starsign[$x][4]) { echo "Your star sign is ".$starsign[$x][0]; } } // echo $interval->format('%R%a days'); ?>