Charleston lesson 3 – kick-ups, slip slop slides, turn around Charleston

3 new 30s partner charleston moves today: Move number 1: Kick-ups: Rock step on 1 & 2, On 3 – Guys kick to right girls kick to left in between the guy’s feet, on 5 guys kick towards left girls kick towards right, finish off with kick hitch on 7 and 8. Move number 2: Slip slop slides. Rock step on 1,2. on 3&4: Triple step forwards. On 5&6: Slip slop slides. Guy slide left foot out first girls slide right foot out first. On 7&8: triple step backwards. On 1&2 do another slip slop slide instead of rock step – guys slide back with right foot first, girls slide with left foot first. Move number 3: Turn around charleston. Normal charleston until beat 4. On 5 guys place hand on girl’s waist. On 7 both guy and girl turn around for the kick. On 8 both land. After another kick hitch, both guy and girl turn around again for kick step.