In this tutorial we derive and apply a transformation matrix that can rotate a point any number of degrees about the origin.
I am collating photos of myself wearing clothes that match in colour, to help me become more aware of what I’m wearing to work and be more professional. This is the second set. The key thing I have learned so far is to wear mostly netural colours (black, white, grey etc) and just have one …
In the final lesson we show you how the wall can be used to practice your volleying.
I am collating photos of myself wearing clothes that match in colour, to help me become more aware of what I’m wearing to work and be more professional. This is the first set. 最近在思考上班該怎麼搭配顏色,看起來比較專業, 符合職場需求。這是第一套。
In this tutorial we talk about how to find the equation of the image of a curve after a linear transformation. We use a reflection in the x axis as an example but the same steps will work with any sort of transformation.
In this lesson Eddie and Haydn show you how to use the wall to improve your serves Somehow Haydn accidentally dropped his iPhone while he was serving. You have to see it to believe it. Note: Haydn is a left hander and Eddie is a right hander.
In this lesson we use buttons to display/hide content. We use a timer to run a specific function every time interval, and we also program a button to reload the page.
Distance similar to lessons 3 and 4, using backhand only, hit 30 shots in a row against the wall without double bouncing. Haydn (green jumper) is left handed and is hitting a one-handed backhand while Eddie (black shirt) is right handed and is hitting a two-handed backhand.
Today we talk about a generic way for finding the transformation matrix of any linear transformation such as reflections or rotation by x degrees.
我大約2017年底開始加入一個慢跑俱樂部。剛開始跑個一兩公里就很累了,也沒有計算時間。 跑了幾個月後,開始參加一些五公里的比賽,第一次比賽五公里跑了36分鐘。 接下來每個禮拜繼續跑兩三次,每次都跑個五到七公里,速度也越來越快。半年後,五公里我只需要跑28分鐘。 後來我不只跑得快,也跑得更遠。有一次跑到了14公里。 跑步逐漸成為我生活不可或缺的一部份,直到有一天我跑了四丶五公里後突然感到膝蓋痛。後來只要跑一公里膝蓋就開始痛。 看了復健師,暫時停止跑步並改做復健運動。一個多月後似乎改善了一些,但還是無法像以前一樣,跑了一陣子後膝蓋總覺得怪怪的。 最近只能偶爾跑步,沒辦法像以前一個禮拜跑三次了。 有一次在學校上體育課時,問一個學生她平常做什麼運動。她說她長跑。我問她五公里跑多久。她說她不知道。我再問她平常跑步跑多遠。她又說她不知道。最後她說,她跑步是因為她喜歡跑,所以她跑多久多遠都無所謂。這位學生的回答讓我感觸很深。 雖然我無法預測以後我的膝蓋會不會好,但我還是會繼續做復健運動,然後每個月跑個一兩次,因為我喜歡跑步。我要為喜歡跑步而跑,不是因為要贏過別人或是要跑得更快更遠。