Take 1 step back from the ring on the right hand side, see if you can get 10 shots in a row , bouncing the ball off the backboard.
In this tutorial we introduce Gaussian Elimination, another way to solve simultaneous equations using matrices.
In this lesson Eddie the Magic Monk teaches you to to shoot from different angles underneath the ring.
So you have just logged into your VPS for the first time and entered the ls command to list the files and folders, but somehow there were no files and folders. Why?
In this video Magic Monk Eddie shows you the first step you need to take to become good at shooting in basketball.
In this lesson you learn how to solve matrix equations in the form AX+BX=C using the distributive property of matrices.
This is what you will be able to do after completing Eddie’s basketball shooting lessons – being able to make 10 3-pointer shots in a row. (The width of my house is 7.46m, the distance between 3 point line and basketball hoop is 6.75m).
Sick of looking at small text while you’re coding? Here’s where you change your font size.
Demonstration of moves 55-103 out of 103 moves.
In this lesson we solve a matrix equation in the form AXB=C where X is the unknown matrix. Pre-requisite knowledge (see previous lessons): Identity matrix Inverse matrix Matrix multiplication