Come and play this Age guessing game! 來玩猜年齡遊戲!

Hi everyone. Today is my 36th birthday. Usually you get some gifts on your birthday but at the school where I teach, the culture is that on your birthday you bring your own cake for other people to enjoy.


Since I cannot provide a physical cake for you all, I will also do a special competition – the first person to guess the right age for when the following photo was taken, I will give you a 100% upvote.


Hint: I started learning swing dancing when I was 23. This is a performance I did after I became a swing dance instructor.

小提示1: 我在23歲時開始學搖擺舞。這是我在成為搖擺舞老師之後的表演。

Hint2: The swing dance performance was in King George Square, Brisbane, Australia. The performance was a part of a historical re-enactment of 1941 wartime environment when General Douglas McArthur arrived in Brisbane to coordinate the allied forces efforts of World War II.

小提示2: 這個搖擺舞表演是在澳洲布里斯班乔治国王广场。這個表演是為了紀念1941年代的情景。當時美國著名麦克阿瑟將軍來到布里斯班,並開始指挥同盟國軍隊參與第二次世界大戰。