Month: July 2019

Tai Chi demonstration section 1

Demonstration of moves 1-16 out of 103 moves. 1. 预 备 Preparation Form 2. 起式 Beginning 3. 拦雀尾 Grasp the Bird’s tail 4. 单鞭 Single whip 5. 提手上势 Raise Hands and Step Forward 6. 白鹤凉翅 White Crane Spreads its Wings 7. 左搂膝拗步 Left Brush Knee and Push 8. 手挥琵琶 Hand Strums the Lute 9. 左搂膝拗步 …

Tai Chi tutorial part 9

Step by step explanation in slow motion and multiple angles for the traditional yang style tai-chi moves: 69. 下势 Snake Creeps Down 70. 左金鸡独立 Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg, Left 71. 右金鸡独立 Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg, Right 81. 转身白蛇吐信 Turn Bodyand White Snake Spits out Tongue 89. 高探马穿掌 High Paton On Horse …

Tai Chi tutorial part 8

Step by step explanation in slow motion and multiple angles for the traditional yang style tai-chi moves: 56. 斜单鞭 Diagonal Single Whip 57. 右野马分鬃 Parting Wild Horse’s Mane, Right 58. 左野马分鬃 Parting Wild Horse’s Mane, Left 59. 右野马分鬃 Parting Wild Horse’s Mane, Right 62. 玉女穿梭 Fair Lady Works at Shuttles

Tai Chi tutorial part 7

Step by step explanation in slow motion and multiple angles for the traditional yang style tai-chi moves: 47. 右打虎式 Right Strike Tiger 48. 回身右蹬脚 Turn Body and Right Heel Kick 49. 双峰灌耳 Twin Fists Strike Opponents Ears 50. 左蹬脚 Left Heel Kick 51. 转身右蹬脚 Turn Body and Right Heel Kick 52. 进步搬拦锤 Step Forward, Parry …